
Table of contents

  1. About
  2. Lecture
  3. Assignments


The Database Systems course provides students with a solid foundation in the principles, design, and implementation of modern databases. It covers both theoretical concepts and practical skills necessary for designing and managing database-driven applications. Throughout the course, students will gain an understanding of fundamental database concepts, including data modeling, relational databases, and the SQL language. They will learn how to design efficient database structures using the Entity-Relationship (E-R) model and transform conceptual models into relational database schemas.

A significant portion of the course is dedicated to mastering SQL, covering database definition (DDL) and manipulation (DML), along with more advanced topics such as joins, aggregations, constraints, and views. Students will explore object-relational mapping (O/R mapping) techniques to integrate databases with software applications. Additionally.

Beyond relational databases, students will also learn about indexing and query optimization to enhance performance. Critical database management aspects such as transactions, ACID properties, and concurrency control protocols will be explored to ensure data consistency and reliability in multi-user environments. The course also introduces NoSQL database systems, providing insights into alternative data storage solutions beyond traditional relational databases.

By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to design, implement, and administer database systems, enabling them to build efficient and scalable data-driven applications. consequat.


The Database Systems course is structured into two main components: lectures and exercises, both of which are mandatory.

The lectures, held weekly for two hours, focus on the theoretical foundations of database systems. Students will gain essential knowledge on data modeling, database design, query languages, and database management principles. These sessions provide the necessary background to understand the core concepts and methodologies used in modern database technologies.

Complementing the theoretical instruction, the exercises take place weekly for an additional two hours. These practical sessions allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in lectures by working on real-world database problems. Through hands-on tasks, students will practice SQL queries, database design, optimization techniques, and transaction management, reinforcing their understanding of the subject matter.

Beyond the scheduled sessions, students are expected to engage in independent work outside the classroom. Over the course of the semester, they will complete three semestral assignments, applying their skills to more complex database-related tasks. These assignments play a crucial role in deepening their understanding and preparing them for real-world database development and administration challenges.


Throughout the semester, students will complete three mandatory assignments, each introduced during the lectures. These assignments focus on key aspects of database systems: query creation, database design, and database implementation.

Successfully completing and submitting all assignments at a minimally acceptable level is required to progress in the course.